Zoo Webcams
Posted On May 30, 2018
It’s not always possible to be at a zoo so I’ve been exploring webcams. I got the idea from the blog post here and did some research to find other webcam options. Here are a few fun ones:
- The National Zoo cameras offer views of a Giant Panda, Lion, and Elephants.
- The San Diego Zoo cameras follow their Apes (always a fav for our family), Elephants, Condor, Koala, Panda, Polar Bear, Penguin, and Tigers. Be aware that each webcam starts with a brief ad.
- Explore.org offers African Wildlife cams. These are neat because while they do have some that are live, they also have some that show already edited highlight reels for those without a ton of extra patience.
- The Houston Zoo has a lot of options – and I love that they give you multiple views from each animal. Watch their gorillas, Giraffes, Rhino, Flamingos, Elephant, Chimpanzees, and Leafcutter Ant here.
- For a different option, the Vancouver Aquarium offers an underwater view of their Jelly Fish and the Woodland Park Zoo offers a Bat Cam.
If you have other webcams of animals that you enjoy, drop us a line and let us know!